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Alabama - Magic City Acceptance Center
Alaska - Identity, Inc. - Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Anchorage
California - Los Angeles LGBT Center
California - San Francisco LGBT Community Center
Colorado - The Center on Colfax
District of Columbia - The DC Center for the LGBT Community
Florida - Pridelines - Miami
Florida - The LGBT+ Center Orlando
Georgia - The Phillip Rush Center - Atlanta
Hawaii - Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation
Illinois - Center on Halsted
Kansas - Kansas City Center for Inclusion
Minnesota - Outfront Minnesota
Nevada - Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada
New Jersey - Newark LGBT Community Center
New York - The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center - NYC
North Carolina - LGBT Center of Raleigh
Oregon - Q Center
Texas - QWELL Community Foundation c/o Austin Community Foundation
Texas - Resource Center
Washington - Gay City: Seattle's LGBTQ Center