Name: Emanuel Macias

LEAGUE Position: Membership Officer
Joined LEAGUE: 2013
Past LEAGUE Positions: VP Washington Chapter, Communications Director

What does being a member of LEAGUE at AT&T mean to you?
As a member of LEAGUE at AT&T I know that I’m doing my part to represent the positive influence of diversity in the workplace while having the opportunity to support the LGBT community not just in my place of work but in the community I live in.

What is the importance of being your authentic self in the workplace?
My motto is borrowed, Just Do It! Your best self is your authentic self and together we can stand united and strong.

AT&T Position: Lead Product Marketing Manager
Joined AT&T: 1999
Past AT&T Positions: Customer Service Rep, Sales Manager, Chief Of Staff, Diversity Marketing Manager


Born/Raised: San Diego, CA
Reside: Los Angeles, CA
Family: Husband and Dog Dad
Pets: 2 Shih Tzu
Hobbies: Cooking, Traveling, Foodie, Sci-Fi TV and Movies